Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Nokia Java Runtime 2.0 for S60

Nokia Beta Labs anounced the availabilty of Nokia Java Runtime 2.0 for S60. And action point for me
  1. Download
  2. Install
  3. Blog about it :)

but "I" failed at the Second step.
here is my short story.

"My device is 2 months old.
Nokia Java Runtime 2.0 was announced Today 30June 2009
And when i tried to install on my 5800, i got to see this"

My device details

I am confused and totaly clueless.
Have i been using the advanced version of the yet unreleased JavaRuntime

Monday, June 22, 2009

the phone killer

The mighty iPhone has a newer cousin "iPhone 3G S"
Time and again Apple has proved that style matters than the content, presentation matters than the subject and "simplicity rocks"
We all know when iphone was launched, iPhone
  • couldn't handle video recording
  • couldn't run multiple application simultaneously
  • No MMS
yet it was coined to be the killer smart phone. I was wondering how can a non smart phone can take down the smartest of smart phones in the market . After a year of iphone, we know what happend. It was an irony.

I do agree that iPhone set a trend in the mobile phone market. consumers thought touch phones to be like PDA with a stylus based input, and here was a beautiful looking device with no stylus but a finger loving touch screen, and now every other device manufacturer wants to have similar screen on there phone. For this reason i still consider iphone as a truly ICONIC phone of our recent times. And it proved on more point. it opened a new frontier in American mobile phone industry. People started to look beyond just voice when they take there phone out of there pocket, they looked beyond blackberry. This opened a new frontier in American history.

With such a background iphone has yet another form this time with "video recording" can this take out the already flooded mobile market, This time the contenders are for really , palm pre, Nokia N97 and the army of Android phones . Nokia the king in smartphone business is loosing ground for the new kids on the block

From what we have seen it was a clean sweep from iphone back in 2007 and this year marks a very important move to all the mobile giants. Hope the worthy wins the battle.
when iphone came in people started to really love there phones, When i Android came in they know mobiles mean more than just a style symbol. but all throught "they" over looked one device which was/is much more capable of just giving you direction and pinching through your photo albums. That is Symbian. Symbian now has a new soul as symbian foundation.

p.s. smart or not phone are indivisible part of every day life here in india.

Sunday, June 07, 2009

5800: SMS "group by" option

I am an aditcitve texter, i tend to have sms well over 3k in all my mobile devices.
But never it has been easy for me to keep track of information if any sent to me via SMS , so i need to use symbian 'search' application to search sms contents....

Now i have a s60 5th ed device and one cool thing i noticed was "show messages in groups"

This is the view i see now :) and i feel gud :D

Saturday, June 06, 2009

Putty on Nokia 5800

5800 will be my favorite device.. until i get my hands on a "Android Phone" but for now the reality is I have a Nokia 5800 for few more weeks

Lets face it, Nokia is not yet ready with there Touch capability phones yet, certainly impresses an onlooker but not geeks or "iPhone" fans. Still i Love nokia and i partially like 5800.

One application i hvb'n trying out on this device is Putty for s60. Its a port of popular Putty ssh client on to symbian OS. It is a nice application but has few problem with 5800. One being
1. Once connected to ssh server then what?
Yaa this seems to be a silly question bt blv me i dint have a clue what to do next

All i can see is a blank screen. See below

I have to set fulscreen to see the console. when i want to execute a command HOW DO I DO IT???

The simple trick to make this work the way it was suppose to work is:

1. in 5800 phonesettings->phone->sensorsettings teep the sensor on for Auto-rotate
2. Open Putty connect to the server once cnnected rotate you handset 90degree Anti-clock wise. Now you shoud be able to see this

From here on you can use putty in a convenient fashion