Friday, December 21, 2007

Encounter: JOBS across the GATE"s"

Steve Jobs of Apple fame and Bill Gates the person who could not come out of his Winodws , crossing each others track during the journey of their fame.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

India and the mobile market

some time back i had written a "single line post" about mobile phone market in India.

This search query came in as a icing on the cake. Just do a quick Google for "fastest growing mobile phone market" and there you have it :)

Monday, December 17, 2007

coming soon: MFSFA*

The bad part of innovation is " being first matters" , and at the same time innovation doesn't just mean creating new things, it also involve doing it better. A very good example for this is Google. Google did not invent search engine, yet Google become the leaders of web based search providers. Well the context of this post is entirely unrelated to Google, it has to deal with My first freeware symbian application :)

From past 10/12 weeks I have been working on a symbian application which would help in saving electricity by alerting users to disconnect the mobile charger once the battery is full. This, according to nokia would conserve a significant amount of energy. The app is ready for a beta test but for only S60 2nd Edition devices :)

As I mentioned in my first line "being firsts matters”, today saw a post on symbian-freak regarding PyBattery, a freeware python based application which servers the same purpose. The Coincidence is, my application is aslo called called “Battery” its symbian c++. From past 2 weeks I haven’t written a single line of code cos of my busy schedule, but I would be ramping up now to give out the first beta.

Screenshots coming soon…

*MFSFA My first Symbian Freeware Application

Friday, December 14, 2007

Nokia PC phone: New generation PC connectivity for Nokia Phones

Finally Nokia hears to the S60 users Plea and grants them with Nokia PC phone. This is a smart interface by which user can make calls, send SMS messages and manage contacts from PC browser!

The Nokia PC phone is a browser extension/plug-in and it works with Firefox 2.x. Internet Explorer 7.x will be supported soon

I have been struggling with Nokia PC suite to send SMS and to manage Contacts and i was never happy with there User interface. This is a smart move from Nokia of having the PC connectivity solution integrated with the browser.

Some of the features included in this app are:
  1. SMS alerts: Now you will get an alert on the PC when you receive any new message.You can read and reply to the SMS with few clicks

  1. You can Call , Add and Send SMS to the numbers directly form the web site

You can download the installable[~15mb size binary] from PCPhone website

I have not tested the app to its full extent.The app has huge potential and i hope in future this would come as part of Nokia PC suite and at the same time PC suite would get some sort of a facelift.